Short (not the length of this post)

I've always been okay with myself. Never have I thought that I was the prettiest girl in the class, but I've been fine with how I am. I figure, this is what I am, so whatever. Let me be more specific. I'm 5'5" and I weigh approximately 115 lbs (I think it may have been 113 last time I checked). Am I short? I dunno. But I never would have thought that it mattered that much.

People tend to be offended by being called short. I have a hard time putting myself in their place. I tease about height quite often, but that's what it is, teasing.
Me: I feel short next to you guys. You're too tall.
Taller guy: You're just too short.
Me: Nah. Anyways....

It's not like it's an inside joke. I've done this with various guys, and they just go along with it. But is it because... They're taller?

I feel like girls have gotten to be a lot more okay with being short. Yes, it can be annoying, and I'm sure some girls feel bad because of it. But I'm sure a lot more girls have "I'm not short I'm fun size" t-shirts than boys do. And why? Why can't anyone be "short"? Is it because of these stereotypical expectations our society has? I'll admit, I do like the idea of a tall guy with broad shoulders and strong arms. Seems natural. However, not all guys are tall, and some girls are taller than guys. That should be okay. Should be. It isn't, yet. I've tried to be accepting of LGBT, supporting of those who are depressed, but I think I just hit the jackpot for something people don't realize we need to strive for.

There's been 3 instances of where I've realized this in the past year. One of my friends died last April. Idk if I was close enough that I can call him a good friend of mine, but since we played trumpet together, I considered him like a little brother. I know it wasn't just because of people calling him short (he was the most adorable Canadian guy I've ever known), that is wasn't just me who may have called him short, and that it was many things adding up to where he couldn't take it anymore, but it his height appears to be a key catalyst. People are sensitive about height.

One time a couple months ago, I was tweeting along, and I saw a picture NOH8 had posted of SBNN's founders. In the middle, there was a blond guy, and I immediately thought- wow, he's cute. Took me a while to realize that it was Josh Hutcherson. Yeah, I should have known that, but the angle was a little funky. It was taken from the side as another camera took a picture of them. And Idk if it was the angle, or if the girls were wearing heels, or if is actually short (reminds me- I need to look up how tall he is) but I tweeted: "Jhutch looks short. Lol." I cringe at myself now. Not an appropriate use of "lol." I just through he was adorable and made a statement. But I didn't do it well. Someone replied "ironic how you criticized him on a non-bullying post." Holy crap. Did I just bully Josh Hutcherson? Is he short? Has he felt bad about being short? I never thought he was short before, but maybe I was just out of the loop.

You'd think I'd have learned by now. Oh dear. Tweeting along again (can you see where this is going?) and Dean Dobbs is talking about people calling him a midget and short. He's an awesome YouTuber if you didn't know (check him out here & here) but first of all, he's not a midget. Idk if he's "short" because I've never met him, but everyone criticizes themselves and compares their body to others (guilty as charged) so it wasn't really the nicest thing that people were saying. In fact, it was mean. I never personally called him a midget, but I was tweeting along and definitely not letting go it in his next few tweets. And he called me out on it! whew, I'm on a roll. People will continue to call me out on this until I get it right! I didn't exactly realize it as I was tweeting (I blamed my previous outside annoyance about Hw for it but that's no excuse). He asked me not to be mean, and rightly so. He may have been switching around from being funny to serious in his tweets, but I was akin to egging on the person who called him a midget. My, I am mean. I hadn't wanted him to thought I was being mean, but I really just shouldn't have been tweeting at all.

I'm a bit nervous about posting this. I usually just write- it's not like is a profession of mine or anything. And I am posting a flaw of mine, in public, on the internet, for anyone to see, and more especially, for Dean to see. I want to change. In 2012, I said I wanted to be better at showing people I appreciated them. In 2013, I wanted to be... Less harsh on people. I hadn't posted this because it's one of my greatest flaws- not just something I wanted to be better at. And that makes it harder. I'm still failing, as of this weekend. Hopefully I'm getting better, though. And for the next 10 months, I hope to be improving even more. ~2013 Resolution part 2...

I'll let you in on a secret, though- everyone should be trying to do this. Not just me. Being short shouldn't matter. Girls- don't limit yourself to only dating taller guys. And if your heels make him feel uncomfortable- don't wear them. Guys- You're fine as you are. Help us help you. If you "short" guys show the world just how awesome you are, then maybe we girls can stop looking for a tall guy.
But who knows. Who am I to say all this? I'm a girl. I'm 5'5". I'm not dating a shorter guy. (Nor any guy at the moment, to be honest). Maybe I AM just mean. But I think this is a stereotype we need to rid ourselves of. We are as we are, and what we do with ourselves is the only thing that should matter. So tell me, what do you think?
~See ya someday


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